The cost effective, fixed-fee way to sell your home.

Listed offers one low price to sell your home, not matter the cost of the home. Every transaction will save you thousands when compared to a typical 3% rate.


The cost effective, fixed-fee way to sell your home.

Listed offers one low price to sell your home, not matter the cost of the home. Every transaction will save you thousands when compared to a typical 3% rate.




Professional Home Photos

Personal Listing Agent

MLS Listing

Home Listed on Real Estate Sites

For Sale Sign/Lock Box Delivery

Personal Guidance

Open House

Transaction Coordinator

Fixed Rate

Compare & Save

Compare & Save

Traditional Home Sale of $500k Home

  • Marketing For Your Home
  • Online Listings
  • 3% Buy Side Realtor Fee
  • 3% Sell Side Realtor Fee

Sale Price...............................$500,000

Realtor Fees............................$30,000


Total Proceeds............. $470,000

LISTED Home Sale of $500k Home

  • Marketing For Your Home
  • Online Listings
  • 3% Buy Side Fee
  • 3% Sell Side Fee
  • $7,500 Flat Fee

Sale Price .......................... $500,000

Realtor Fees......................... $22,500


Total Proceeds.............$477,500